See Here Great Home Remedies For Black Head

Some home remedies are here to help the women who are suffering from the black heads problem on the face. It usually occurs on the nose. The remedies are as follows-

Facial Steaming:

Boil plain water in a profound container. Expel the container from the warmth source once it has started to bubble. Put some drops of lemon juice into the bubbling water. Wrap a spotless thick towel around your head. Take a steam for a couple of hours,then wash it with normal water.

Turmeric Mixture:

Mix turmeric powder with two tablespoons of neem or mint juice. Apply it on the affected area and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it with water.

Epsom Salt Paste

Mix two tablespoons of Epsom salt with few drops of iodine and boiling hot water. Let the salt dissolve totally. Allow the mixture to chill at room temperature. Apply the mixture with cotton balls on the affected area and let it stay there for 5-10 minutes. Wash it off with water.

Cornmeal Scrub

Blend one tablespoon of cornmeal with facial cleanser. Take steam before applying. Steaming opens the pores and it will help to remove blackheads properly. Apply the paste to the affected area. Leave it for 10minutes and wash it with lukewarm water.

Olive oil and Lemon Mask

Mix equal amount of olive oil and lemon and concentrate to make a viable facial mask against cologged pores. With cotton balls apply it to the whole face. But, focus on the nose area. Do it regularly and you will get a clogged pores fade.

Clay Mask

Use Bentonite clay or cosmetic clay in enough amount of water to make thick glue so that it sticks on your skin. Cover the nose with a mask. Let it dry for 20 to 25 minutes or wait till it dries. Wash it with normal water and then pat it dry. Remember to apply lotion after treatment.

Tea Tree oil

Using tea tree oil before going to bed will keep blackheads away.

Milk and Gelatin Paste

Tale 1 tablespoon of milk and 1 tablespoon of flavorless Gelatin. Combine them in a holder. Heat the mixture in microwave for 10 seconds. Apply to the nose as pore strip. Let it dry for 10 minutes. Remove the strip to dispose of black heads.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Mint Toner

Take Apple Cider Vinegar bottle and mix mint leaves in it. Keep it in dark place for around a week. Then strain the fluid and add some water to it. Store this toner blend in fridge for 6 days. Leave it on your clogged pores overnight and wash it in the morning. Apply cream after removing this from your face.

These are some home remedies which will help the women to remove blackheads easily and these are cost-effective.
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