Wrong skin care products, hormonal imbalance, stress and unhealthy diet. There can definitely be numerous causes for acne breakouts. But, in order to deal with acne problem, you need to follow a smart cleansing regimen. Following, are some of the effective tricks that can allow you to get a healthy, bright and clear skin.
Cleanse your Face- keep aside the normal cleansers and pick cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicyclic acid. These products effectively deals with pimples and other acne problems. If you are using a normal cleanser, you can always stick to mild cleansers. This will remove the excess oil without leaving your skin dry and chapped.
Use Anti- Bacterial Moisturizer- There are numerous oil free moisturizers and non comedogenic moisturizers available in the market. These help to reduce awful breakouts and thus helps to get a clear skin.
Do not re-use your washcloth- Re using your wash cloth can make your skin to get contaminated. So, it is always advisable to use a new soft wash cloth each time you wash your face.
Do not Exfoliate your skin- Exfoliation is a strict “no” for acne prone skin. Exfoliating creams can only create redness and increase the rashes. If you have serious skin irritations, you can always consult a dermatologist.
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